
(Interests & Projects)

I study the intricate interplay between near-surface processes, which shape the Earth's topography. These processes are tightly associated with tectonic activity, climate forces, and sediment redistribution over time and space. A significant amount of my time was dedicated to studying the genesis of Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan, from a subsiding syn-orogenic deep-marine sedimentary basin to a rapidly rising and eroding mountain. The results provide a fundation for investigating the history of syn-orogenic basin evolution, crustal mixing, and ancient topographic growth associated with regional tectonic activities. I have also been involved in multiple projects in Taiwan, Northwest Pacific of the United States, and New Zealand, investigating sediment-related river incision processes, the origin of landslides, and the interactions and feedbacks among topographic evolution, climate change, and tectonic activities.

Research Projects
(Click the photos/titles to see details)

Studying the development of sedimentary basin, the origin of melange, and inferred crustal deformation history at the active collisional suture zone of eastern Taiwan.

Studying deep-seated landslides with regard to their spatio-temporal patterns, natural controls and triggers, and long-term effects on topographic evolution.

Studying how variabilities in substrate lithology and sediment govern the bedrock river channel slope and morphology in rapidly eroding/uplifting (>1 mm/yr) landslide-prone terrains.

"From sink to source" - Paleotopography Reconstruction From Rock Records

Linking geomoporphic signals to deep-time stratigraphic archives by comparing source-to-sink numerical simulation and real-world sedimentary basin records. (Details TBD)

Coastal Processes and Sediment Dynamics at Gravel-Dominated Beaches

Investigating sedimentologic and morphologic characteristics of gravel-rich beaches to understand coastal processes that cause shoreline changes and sediment mobilization. (Details TBD)